How Long Do Pickleball Balls Last? Discover The Surprising Truth!

How Long Do Pickleball Balls Last

Pickleball has gained immense popularity in recent years, attracting players of all ages. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, one question that often arises is, “How long do pickleball balls last?” 

The lifespan of a pickleball ball depends on several factors, including usage, quality, and storage conditions. The average lifespan of an indoor pickleball ball is between 2 to 6 weeks, depending on how often you play and the type of court you play on. The average lifespan of an outdoor pickleball ball is between 40 to 60 hours of play.

We’re here to shed some light on the subject and explore the signs of pickleball ball wear, how to extend their lifespan, What Affects the Lifespan of a Pickleball Ball,  Expert Opinions, and when it’s time to replace them.

How Long Do Pickleball Balls LastExploring the Lifespan

The lifespan of pickleball balls varies depending on the playing surface, frequency of play, storage conditions, and ball quality.

On average, pickleball balls can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months of regular play. 

Outdoor balls tend to last longer than indoor balls due to their durability, and high-quality balls may also have a longer lifespan. 

A crucial aspect of enjoying pickleball is using a quality ball. Subpar balls can negatively impact your game, so it’s important to understand their wear and tear.

Signs Of Pickleball Ball Wear

Surface Scuffs And Scratches

One of the most evident signs of wear on a pickleball ball is surface scuffs and scratches. 

These occur over time due to friction with the paddle and the court surface. A ball with extensive scuffing may lose its playability.

Fading Color

Pickleball balls often come in bright colors, making them easy to spot on the court. 

As they wear out, their vibrant colors may start to fade. Fading can also be an indicator of a ball’s deteriorating condition.

Loss Of Bounce

A crucial characteristic of a good pickleball ball is its bounce. Over time, pickleball balls can lose their bounce, affecting the pace and dynamics of the game. 

If you notice a significant reduction in bounce, it may be time to replace the ball.

Hear A Dull Thud

listen closely as you hit the ball with your paddle. If you hear a dull thud instead of a crisp pop sound upon impact, this could be another indication that it’s time for new pickleball.

What Affects The Lifespan Of A Pickleball Ball?

Several factors can impact how long a pickleball ball lasts:

  • Quality: High-quality balls tend to last longer than cheaper alternatives.
  • Playing Surface: The type of court you play on can affect wear and tear.
  • Frequency of Play: How often you play pickleball matters.
  • Storage: Proper storage can significantly extend a ball’s lifespan.
  • Weather conditions: Pickleball balls are more likely to crack and lose their bounce in cold weather.

Wondering How You Can Make A Pickleball Ball Last Longer?

Proper Storage

To extend the lifespan of your pickleball balls, proper storage is key.

Keep them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Storing them in a sealed container can also help maintain their bounce.

Rotate Balls

If you play pickleball regularly, it’s a good idea to rotate your balls. This ensures that they wear out evenly, rather than one ball becoming excessively worn while others remain in good condition.

Avoid Rough Surfaces

Playing pickleball on rough surfaces like asphalt can accelerate ball wear. Whenever possible, choose smooth, pickleball-dedicated courts to prolong the life of your balls.

How to Tell When a Pickleball Needs to Be Replaced?

The Sound Test

One way to determine if a pickleball needs replacement is by the sound it makes. A worn-out ball may produce a dull thud instead of a crisp bounce when dropped from a certain height.

Visual Inspection

Inspect your pickleball for signs of wear, such as deep scuffs, cracks, or deformities. If you spot any of these issues, it’s time to retire the ball.

Based on my own experience and the insights of fellow players If you find yourself struggling to control or maneuver older balls during gameplay compared to newer ones in similar conditions, it may be time to retire them.

How Often Should You Replace Your Pickleball Ball?

According to Hilbert Suift, it’s time to replace your pickleball ball when you notice signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, dents, or a loss of bounce.

Pickleball Rookie suggests that at around the 3.5 level, a pickleball ball should not be used for more than a dozen games.

Shaun Denahn recommends that if you play multiple times a week, you may need to replace your ball more often than someone who only plays once a week.

Can Pickleball Balls Lose Their Bounce?

Yes, pickleball balls can indeed lose their bounce over time. As mentioned earlier, factors like surface wear and storage conditions play a significant role in this.

Proper maintenance and regular inspection can help delay the loss of bounce.

I strongly recommend that you regularly inspect your pickleball balls for signs of wear and replace them when necessary.

Using worn-out balls not only affects performance, as many seasoned pickleball players would affirm, but I also feel, that it increases the risk of injuries due to unpredictable bounces.


The lifespan of a pickleball ball depends on various factors, including usage, quality, and storage. By recognizing the signs of wear and following proper maintenance,

you can extend the life of your pickleball balls and enjoy better gameplay. Remember, a good-quality ball is essential for an enjoyable pickleball experience.

It’s also worth noting that different tournaments or leagues may have specific rules regarding ball usage and replacement intervals. Familiarize yourself with these regulations if you’re participating in organized play.


How do you store pickleballs?

To store pickleball, keep them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, and in a container or bag to protect them from dust and debris.

Do pickleballs have to be yellow?

Indoor pickleballs are often bright yellow, while outdoor balls can be yellow, green, or orange. These brighter colors improve visibility in various lighting conditions.

How can I clean pickleball balls to prolong their lifespan?

You can clean pickleball balls by wiping them with a damp cloth to remove dirt and scuffs. Proper cleaning can help maintain their bounce and durability.


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